Kintecoying Lodge #4 19th Annual TOR
Where: John C Whitehead Dining Hall, past Reeves Lodge Camp Alpine, Alpine, NJ
When: Saturday November 22, 2014
Time: 9:00AM to 3:00PM (dealer setup begins at 8:30AM)
Admission: Free to All – A unique day trip for your troop or pack
Tables: Tables sold out
For the last eight years, we have sold out our table, due to the space constraints in John C Whitehead Dining Hall,and we are once again sold out, but there is still plenty of room to buy or trade.
Location: John C Whitehead Dining Hall, Alpine Scout Camp – Alpine, NJ (exit 3 on the Palisades Parkway)
As always this TOR will have free admission to all in order to help boost walk-in attendance.
Kintecoying Lodge will be conducting a live auction at the 2014 TOR. The proceeds from the Auction will be used as part of the lodge’s effort to reduce youth costs for the 2015 NOAC. If you are interested in donating items for this auction, please contact me.
Please mark your calendars; I look forward to seeing you all at the TOR.
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