Originally Camp Aquehonga was the Staten Island Council Camp. The ‘old’ Aquehonga was on the other side of the lake from ‘modern’ Aquehonga which occupies its current footprint since 1968.
Here is a staff neckerchief from 1959 which is currently a need of mine.
During this time period, TMR was divided into 3 Sections. Deleware, Crystal and Schiff. Camp Aquehonga was part of the Schiff Section.
My Camp Aquehonga Staff neckerchief needs include:
Aquehonga: 1949, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59,
Ten Mile River Scout Camps Greater New York Councils Camp Aquehonga Yellow Patch
$5.95 Buy It on eBay for only: $5.95 Buy It Now on eBay |
Ten Mile River Scout Camps Greater New York Councils Camp Aquehonga Patch
$5.95 Buy It on eBay for only: $5.95 Buy It Now on eBay |
OA Lodge 112 Aquehongian Flap Ten Mile Camp Aquehonga New York Boy Scout CF4
$7.52 Buy It on eBay for only: $7.52 Buy It Now on eBay |