Natural Gas Extraction at TMR

Update: August 13, 2007 -  I have been remiss in updating this post.  I personally spoke with Bob Madsen on Alumni Day in July.  He confirmed to me that while the Council is exploring the possibility of leasing , at that point no lease has been signed.  The Council continues to gather information and  exploring there potential options.   GNYC is taking the long view on its stewardship of the land and its importance to the Scouting program.

Found this on the web earlier today.

Bob Madson announced at tonight’s GNYC Camping Committee meeting that they
have a preliminary offer from a firm to extract natural gas from T.M.R.
property. GNYC is guarenteed $3 million to sign the contract and about $1 millon
per year in income over the next 40+ years if gas is found. The operation
would place 30-40 wells at locations all over TMR but away from the operating
camps. A gas pipe would be buried below the Schiff Trail and connect with the
natural gas pipeline which already crosses TMR property near the south end
of Lake Nianque.

Bob said that if this took place it would virtually guarentee that no T.M.R.
property would be sold over the next 40 years.

Here is a bit of background from the River Reporter a local Sullivan County newspaper. Seems there has been a lot of activity on the PA side too.

These independent contractors are asking property owners to sign leases that will allow gas companies to explore for natural gas, which is believed to be beneath the local land mass in large deposits.

According to the experts, there are three main reasons why this is happening.

First, the cost of oil has been steadily rising over the last few years, reaching the unheard of price of $100 a barrel. By contrast, the cost of natural gas from a local well is much cheaper.

Second, geologists are telling the industry that there is evidence that very large deposits of gas are contained in a geological formation called the Marcellus Shale, which extends from Tennessee northward into central and northeastern Pennsylvania, including Wayne County, and the Southern Tier of New York State, including Sullivan County.

Third, new drilling techniques, principally developed by Halliburton, called horizontal drilling, can now recover gas deposits that were unrecoverable a short time ago.

If this pans out (to mix metaphors), it would help to maintain the camp for years to come.

4 thoughts on “Natural Gas Extraction at TMR

  1. Hi,

    We own a 100 acres off the TMR property line along the East Ten Mile River. I was wondering if there are any meetings or organizations that are springing up regarding the gas craze. If so, please let me know how to contact people involved so I can educate myself more on the situation.


  2. TMR is one of the largest land owners in the area. I suggest that they hold out on signing any lease at this time. The gas companies are looking for cheep deals on land. It looks like this may be one of the largest gas finds in the country. The numbers they are offering are peanuts compared to what the gas find is really worth if true. They should enter into some kind of deal that can included local land owners. A coalition is the best bet.

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